
Reggio HUB

We can help you find the perfect staff for your company

The IFOA, the Company Employee Training Institute, is an Italian organisation that handles training and development of professional skills. Founded in 1971, its mission is to help people into the world of work and with their professional growth through targeted training courses, guidance services and consultancy for companies.

Reggio Emilia companies are the key pillar of the project and this partnership therefore requires close collaboration during all phases.
Throughout the entire candidate selection process, the IFOA is in constant contact with the company, supporting it in every phase and actively working to achieve the incoming goal.

What does a partner company do?

What it means to be a Partner Company

Job positions

Opening one or more job positions by following the guidelines


Assessing any applications received within 60 days


Keeping the Reggio HUB team constantly up-to-date about the selection process


Working with relevant bodies to provide any necessary documentation and for everything involving welcoming the candidate to Reggio Emilia


Supporting the candidate on a training course


Refunding the candidate’s expenses

The Advantages for Partner Companies

Access to qualified talented individuals

Reggio HUB offers a wide pool of candidates who have been selected and trained to meet the company’s specific needs.

Support during selection

Companies receive expert assistance during all phases of the candidate selection process.

Easier integration for new employees

The company can support new talented individuals on a training and integration course, therefore making it easier for them to join the working environment.

Join Reggio Hub

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